btrieve - a neverending story

Jan Muenther jan at
Fri Sep 1 10:44:07 GMT 2000

Hello out there,

recently I posted a trouble report about my Samba/btrieve
I have encountered the worst case scenario - corrupt databases...

I had a brief correspondency with Dave Collier-Brown (whose book
on Samba can't be praised enough) about this, in which he told me
that working under the same login a) network-wide and b)
application-wide could lead to such corrpution. 

Unfortunately, as I learned yesterday, this does not clarify my
problems as I originally thought. My customers have always worked
under different logins on the network as well as for the
btrieve-based-application itself. The btrieve files themselves
are on a public share, but apart from security issues I don't
consider this a problem, because this only concerns the
authetification itself and not the UserIDs - or does it...?

I now added 
strict locking = yes
to the config section for the share, because I thought btrieve
might not request the lock status by itself. 

Does anybody have a similar setup running without similar
I cannot believe this combination simply does _not_ work smoothly
in any way.
I am very well aware that this is a consequence of btrieve's ill
behaviour, but still it would surprise me if Samba's superior
configurability doesn't offer a solution for it.

Cheers, Jan

Radio HUNDERT,6 Medien GmbH Berlin
- EDV -
j.muenther at

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