Why doesn't smbmount work?

Eduardo Diaz Uriarte ediazuri at wanadoo.es
Wed Oct 4 21:45:42 GMT 2000


My Samba server is a Pentium 200 over SuSE Linux 6.4. My samba client is a pentium 120 with win98.

I've configured Samba and I can access files in the server and even print. But when I try to mount the HD of
the client with smbmount (mount -t smbfs....) I get this:

#mount -t smbfs -o username=eduardo //obelix/Data /mnt
tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree connect.)
SMB connection failed
mount: backgrounding "//OBELIX/Data"
tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree connect.)
SMB connection failed

I have followed DIAGNOSIS.txt and everything goes right, and I have compiled smbfs support in the kernel.

Where is the problem?

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