MS Word saves using all caps filenames

Enrique Perez-Terron eperezte at
Sun Nov 19 00:36:19 GMT 2000

But notepad saves files in mixed case.

MS Word saves to lowercase names if the name is short and has no spaces.
MS Word also gets an error when trying to save a file name with 
the Scandinavian character 'Å' (A-ring).

Notepad saves lowercase names longer than 8 chars (testtesttest.txt).

I have Samba 2.0.7, and default settings in the 'Filename Handling'
I have also tried setting 'short preserve case' to 'no'.
It made no difference.

The client runs a fairly old Win95 version.

Now I just tested the behaviour of the Explorer, and it turned out to be
quite weird:

On the Win95 client, I opened the Explorer, and opened a folder on the
server.  The left panel showed this hierarchy:

- Network Neigborhood
  + Entire Network
  - Janus		   (The linux/samba2.0.7 server)
    - mydocs               (C:\My Documents when I boot Win98 on Janus)
      - invest		   (The open folder.)
        +                  (No name! I did not notice if this entry
        + Hours		       was here from the beginning. See below)
        + Invoices
        + Other		   (Other subdirs of Invest)

In the right panel, 'invest' appears to have *two* directories with
no name. (The left panel shows only one.)

When I clicked on either of the two empty folders, I seemed to enter a
directory with exactly the same contents as 'tv-invest'. As I went on
clicking on the empty directories in the right panel, in the left
panel a growing sequence of nameless nested subdirectories of
'tv-invest' appeared.  The left panel showed only one nameless
subdirectory of each instance of what actually must have been
'tv-invest' repeated.

Going back to 'invest' (by repeatedly clicking on the 'up' icon on
the toolbar), I tried to create a new folder. I got an error message
saying that a folder named 'NEW FOLDER' already existed. However, this
folder was nowhere to be seen in either panel.

I then selected 'go' from the menu, and specified 'New folder'.  

Then, in the left panel - the 'Tree View' panel - a new branch of
folders appeared rooted in the 'Entire Network' folder. This branch
started with 'Workgroup', then went on with a repeated instance of
'Janus', and then 'mydocs', 'invest', and finally 'New
Folder'. The hierarchy with the sequence of nameless folders remained
open branching out from 'Network Neighborhood' - 'Janus', i.e.,
bypassing 'Entire Network'.

- Network Neigborhood
  - Entire Network
    - Janus
      - mydocs
        - invest
          + Hours
          + Invoices
          + Other

  - Janus
    - mydocs
      - invest
              + Hours
              + Invoices
              + Other
            + Hours
            + Invoices
            + Other
          + Hours
          + Invoices
          + Other
        + Hours
        + Invoices
        + Other

Clicking on the 'Up' icon on the toolbar, I came back to 'invest'
from the empty new folder, and invest still contained two nameless
entries in addition to the new entry 'New Folder'.

This experiment was done with 'Short preserve case' set to 'No'.

Anyone knows of a fix?

Regards, Enrique

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