Links and samba

Marcin Kuzmicki M.Kuzmicki at
Sun Nov 12 23:09:41 GMT 2000

Samuel's script is not exactly a resolution for me. Checking here is done
after all ... that means that smbclient had already scanned all
subdirectories with symlinks and its is only a way of finding fake entries
returned by smbclient. It takes to much time and net resources to scan 
such nasty client.
Me and my friend are trying to add some extra source code to client.c .  
The idea is to add extra array that would contain all 
previous direcotries names and check it with present name of share.
If it finds exact name it will jump to the next share.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 02:22:13PM -0500, Samuel Hathaway wrote:
> Here is the script I sent to Marcin:
> @name = split '/', $ARGV[0];
> for($i = scalar @name / 2; i >= 0; i--)
> {
>     $head = join '/', @name[0..$i];
>     $ARGV[0] =~ /$head.*$head/ and die "Oh no! A loop! Probably."
> }
> Another way to do it would be to assume that any file with exactly the same
> name, size, flags, and times was a duplicate, but that would involve
> checking the database for each file, slowing things down.
> -samuel


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