mangled NT timestamps when mounted under Linux

Richard Harding rharding at
Wed Mar 22 10:41:38 GMT 2000

Hi All,

I have a stock Linux RH 6.0 box with samba 2.0.6 rpm installed, I have mounted a couple of directories from an NT4 server into my linux file system.

My problem is that the results of a ls -l --full-time show the times stamps incorrectly with some bizarre yr dates ranging from 1943 to 2046.

If I modify a file these bizarre timestamps seem to get written back to the NT file system - i.e. when viewed from win98 client explorer they are seen as incorrect dates.

After reading the archive I have set the "nt-smb" (?)to off via SWAT but still have the problem

This must have been seen elsewhere ? - any workround/patch ????

Richard Harding
Caps Solutions Support
01635 565915

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