Using hosts allow in the smb.conf file

Stephen L Arnold arnold at
Thu Jun 15 16:01:47 GMT 2000

Ravi Kadam wrote:

> net use x: \\<unix machinename>
> My problem is , on executing the above command, it asks for a 
> password.
> My intention is to avoid the password. (I want to use the 
> above command
> in a batch file)
> I tried specifying  following in the smb.conf file (along with hosts
> allow).
> guest ok = yes

It sounds like you want to run with "security=share" instead of "security=user".
Change your smb.conf to reflect the above, and don't specify a password for the particular share(s) you want to mount in your batch file.  It works for me with the older samba (1.9.18p10).

Stephen L. Arnold
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