Q: mounting shares with space inside name

Heiko Nardmann h.nardmann at secunet.de
Wed Jun 14 14:54:11 GMT 2000

I'm trying to mount a share from an NT machine which has an
space inside, i.e doing something like that:

mount -t smbfs -o username=nardmann,password=xxx "//machine/for internal
use" internal_use

I always get the message

Could not resolve mount point internal

How do I mount such shares with whitespace inside the share name?

Heiko Nardmann (Dipl.-Ing.), h.nardmann at secunet.de, Software Development

secunet Security Networks AG - Sicherheit in Netzwerken
Weidenauer Str. 223-225, D-57076 Siegen
Tel. : +49 271 48950-13, Fax  : +49 271 48950-50

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