Samba Help Please!!!

Prof. Mad Crazy profmad at
Mon Jan 31 04:32:01 GMT 2000

I just don't understand why must it be so difficult to configure samba to
work with an Microsoft environment?  I admit I am new to Unix/linux but not
new to networking or pc's for that matter.  I've followed as many of the
instructions that were given to me, as I possibly could, but I still can't
seem to get my MS environment to connect to my samba server.

I have chosen to use the "encryption password = yes" option so I WOULDN'T
have to modify the registry in my windows environment to send plain text.  I
also followed the instructions to synchronize my Linux passwords with the
samba passwords (or something to that effect) with the following command:

cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd >/usr/bin/smbpasswd

That command seems to work correctly, because it just returns with a command
prompt, no errors.  I have created (for the sake of simplicity) a users
called "Administrator" in linux to coincide with my Administrator in windows
NT 4.0 WKS.  Both are using the same passwords.   When I click on network
neighborhood it will display the samba server but will not allow me to
access it.  It will keep displaying the User Name & password popup window.

What is the problem here?

How am I to create the users?  what users do I need to create?  and would
anyone be patient enough to give me a small step by step example of how I
should setup the NT WKS user & the Linux user, or whatever the !$!@ I need
to do to get this working?!?!?
Dennis Ross
V: 212.652.9693
rossd at

Q: Why do PCs - even modern ones - have reset buttons on the front?

A: Because they come with, or are anticipated to run, Microsoft operating

Dennis Ross
V: 212.652.9693
rossd at

Q: Why do PCs - even modern ones - have reset buttons on the front?

A: Because they come with, or are anticipated to run, Microsoft operating

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