More checks for param/loadparm.c

David Collier-Brown davecb at
Sun Jan 30 00:32:48 GMT 2000

  Here's a second set of diffs for sanity-checking smb.conf files.
This one implements a basic set of checks on netbios names.
No, it won't recognize someone using an ip address, but
it will realize the dots don't belong:

$ testparm  
Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
WARNING: netbios name "" contained a dot,
which is only legal in DNS domain names.
Name has been truncated to "127".

David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | some people and astonish the rest.
Willowdale, Ontario,  |                      -- Mark Twain
CANADA. 416-223-8968  | davecb at
-------------- next part --------------
> static BOOL handle_netbios_name(char *pszParmValue,char **ptr);
> static BOOL handle_netbios_aliases(char *pszParmValue,char **ptr);
> static BOOL handle_password_server(char *pszParmValue, char **parm_ptr);
> static BOOL validate_netbios_name(char *pszParmValue);
<   {"netbios name",     P_UGSTRING,P_GLOBAL, global_myname,              NULL,   netbios_name,  FLAG_BASIC|FLAG_DOS_STRING},
<   {"netbios aliases",  P_STRING,  P_GLOBAL, &Globals.szNetbiosAliases,  NULL,   NULL,  FLAG_DOS_STRING},
>   {"netbios name",     P_UGSTRING,P_GLOBAL, global_myname,              handle_netbios_name, NULL, FLAG_BASIC|FLAG_DOS_STRING},
>   {"netbios aliases",  P_STRING,  P_GLOBAL, &Globals.szNetbiosAliases,  handle_netbios_aliases, NULL,  FLAG_DOS_STRING},
<   {"password server",  P_STRING,  P_GLOBAL, &Globals.szPasswordServer,  NULL,   NULL,  0},
>   {"password server",  P_STRING,  P_GLOBAL, &Globals.szPasswordServer,  handle_password_server, NULL,  0},
< handle single netbios names
> handle_netbios_name -- validate and insert a single netbios-name
> parameter. It's a ugstring global, with the DOS_STRING attribute.
< static BOOL handle_netbios_name(char *pszParmValue,char **ptr)
< {
<   /* initially, prove that it works --davecb */
<   string_set(ptr,pszParmValue);
<   add_char_string(pszParmValue);
<   return(True);
> static BOOL handle_netbios_name(char *pszParmValue, char **parm_ptr) {
>    pstring netbios_name;
>    if (validate_netbios_name(pszParmValue) == False)
> 	return False;
>    pstrcpy(netbios_name,pszParmValue);
> #define NW 1
> #ifdef NW
>    /* run standard_sub_basic on netbios name... needed because 
>       global_myname is not accessed through any lp_ macro. 
>       Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at> */
>    standard_sub_basic(netbios_name);
> #endif
>    pstrcpy((char *)parm_ptr,netbios_name);
>    unix_to_dos((char *)parm_ptr, True);    /* FLAG_DOS_STRING --davecb */
>    strupper((char *)parm_ptr);
>    DEBUG(4,("handle_netbios_name: set netbios name to: %s\n", 
>       (char *)parm_ptr));
>    return (True);
> handle_netbios_aliases -- validate and insert multiple netbios-name
> parameters. It's a pstring global, with the DOS_STRING attribute.
> ***************************************************************************/
> static BOOL handle_netbios_aliases(char *pszParmValue, char **parm_ptr) {
>    char *p;
>    pstring buf;
>    *buf = '\0';
>    for (p=strtok(pszParmValue, " \t"); p != NULL; p=strtok(NULL," \t")) {
>       if (validate_netbios_name(p) == False)
>          return False;
>       pstrcat(buf,p);
>       pstrcat(buf," ");
>    }
>    buf[MIN(strlen(buf)-1,sizeof(buf))] = '\0';
>    /* I've treated it here as an uppercase pstring. P_USTRING --davecb */
>    string_set(parm_ptr,buf);
>    unix_to_dos(*(char **)parm_ptr, True);
>    strupper(*(char **)parm_ptr);
>    return True;
> }
> /***************************************************************************
> handle_password_server -- validate and insert multiple netbios-name
> parameters. It's a pstring global.
> ***************************************************************************/
> static BOOL handle_password_server(char *pszParmValue, char **parm_ptr) {
>    char *p;
>    pstring buf;
>    *buf = '\0';
>    if ( != SEC_SERVER && != SEC_DOMAIN) {
>        DEBUG(0,("WARNING: password server set to \"%s\", ",pszParmValue));
>        DEBUGADD(0,("but security is neither server nor domain.\n"
> 	 "password server value ignored\n"));
>        return True;
>    }
>    /* a "*" by itself means search for Primary or Backup Domain controllers */
>    if ( == SEC_DOMAIN && *pszParmValue == '*') {
>        pstrcpy(buf,pszParmValue); 
>    }
>    else {
>        for (p=strtok(pszParmValue, " \t"); p != NULL; p=strtok(NULL," \t")) {
>           if (validate_netbios_name(p) == False)
>              return False;
>           pstrcat(buf,p);
>           pstrcat(buf," ");
>        }
>        buf[MIN(strlen(buf)-1,sizeof(buf))] = '\0';
>    }
>    /* I've treated it here as an uppercase pstring. P_USTRING --davecb */
>    string_set(parm_ptr,buf);
>    unix_to_dos(*(char **)parm_ptr, True);
>    strupper(*(char **)parm_ptr);
>    return True;
> }
> /**************************************************************************
> validate a single netbios-name
> **************************************************************************/
> static char *legalNetbiosChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> static BOOL validate_netbios_name(char *pszParmValue) {
>    int len, i;
>    char *p;
>    /* DEBUG(0,("in validate_netbios_name, pszParmValue=%s\n", pszParmValue)); */
>    /* Alternative 1a: manage FQDN by removing domain */
>    if ((p = strchr(pszParmValue, '.')) != NULL) {
>       DEBUG(0,("WARNING: netbios name \"%s\" contained a dot,\n", pszParmValue));
>       *p = '\0';
>       DEBUGADD(0,("which is only legal in DNS domain names.\n"));
>       DEBUGADD(0,("Name has been truncated to \"%s\".\n", pszParmValue));
>    }
>    /* Alternative 1b: manage over-long name by truncating it */
>    len = strlen(pszParmValue);
>    if (len > 15) {
>       pszParmValue[15] = '\0';
>       len = 15;
>       DEBUG(0,("netbios name is longer than 15 characters, "
> 	       "and has been truncated to \"%s\".\n", pszParmValue));
>    }
>    /* Alternative 2: fail non-alphanumerics. */
>    if ((i = strspn(pszParmValue,legalNetbiosChars)) < len) {
>       DEBUG(0,("netbios name \"%s\" contains non-alphanumeric character "
> 	       "\"%c\", and cannot be set.\n", pszParmValue, 
> 	       pszParmValue[i]));
>       return False;
>    }
>    return True;
> }
> /***************************************************************************
< 	   parm_table[parmnum].special(pszParmValue,(char **)parm_ptr);
< 	   return(True);
> 	   return parm_table[parmnum].special(pszParmValue,(char **)parm_ptr);

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