Files have 555 and they are deletable or is it a bug ?

Thomas Janker thomas at
Thu Jan 27 12:55:54 GMT 2000

My Question is:

Is there any option that forbids a not owner to delete files set
0755, in direcorys set to 0777?

Thomas Janker schrieb:
> Hello !
> I've a problem with files which are set to 0555.
> For example: two users (user1 and user2)
>              two groups (usergroup1 usergroup2)
> /daten/rechner/comp1 is set to 777.
> User1 creates a file (test.txt) in the [files] share, which is correctly
> set to 0555. It's owner is user1 and it's group is usergroup1.
> Now user2 from usergroup2, who can correctly read but not edit test.txt,
> can delete this file. I think the reason for this is the
> /daten/rechner/comp1 directory, which is set to 777.
> Is there any option that permits a not owner to delete files set to
> 0755, in direcorys set to 0777?
> Here's al listing of my smb.conf:
> [global]
>         workgroup = SAMBA
>         netbios name = SERVER
>         map to guest = Bad User
>         keepalive = 30
>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY
>         os level = 2
>         security = USER
>         password level = 0
> [files]
>         comment = Rechner_eigener_Share
>         path = /daten/rechner/comp1
>         readonly = no
>         force create mode = 0755
>         create mode = 0755
>         force directory mode = 0755
>         directory mode = 0755
>         guest ok = Yes
>         locking = Yes
>         delete readonly = no
>         public = yes
>         browsable = yes
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas Janker
> --
>                                                            ,,,,
>                                                            (oo)
> ------------------------------------------------------o0O--(_)--O0o-
> | Paranoia is    | Thomas Janker                       /       /
> | the belief in  |                                    /       /
> | a hidden order | tom at                     /       /
> | behind the     |                                  /   o   /
> | visible        |                                Oooo    oooO
> --------------------------------------------------) /-----) /-------
>                                                  (_/     (_/

| Paranoia is    | Thomas Janker 		       /       /
| the belief in  | 				      /       /
| a hidden order | tom at		     /       /
| behind the     |      			    /   o   / 
| visible        |           Oooo    oooO
--------------------------------------------------) /-----) /-------
						 (_/     (_/

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