Samba Mount of Remote SMB Kernel Support

Giulio Orsero giulioo at
Tue Jan 18 16:11:10 GMT 2000

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:25:55 -0500, hai scritto:

>I tried to mount a remote Windows NT Server that I have an account on 
>by issuing the following:
>mount -t smbmount -o username=xxxxx,password=xxxxx 
>and recieved the following response.
>mount: fs type smbmount not supported by kernel
>My system is Red Hat Linux 6.0 on Intel with a standard install.

There are 2 problems:
1) you use "-t smbmount" instead of "-t smbfs"
2) you use smbmount-2.0.6 syntax, but, unless you upgraded your system,
redhat60 comes with 2.0.5 I think.

2.0.5 syntax is
smbmount //$server/$share $mount_point -U$user%$pass

2.0.6 syntax is
mount -t smbfs -o username=$user,password=$pass  //$srv/$shr
(all in one line)

giulioo at

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