SAMBA digest 2379

Henning Sprang sprang at
Sun Jan 16 19:41:15 GMT 2000

>Herb Lewis wrote:
> >
> >
> > You are running in Plain Text Password mode. Are you sure there is a
> > entry in the /etc/password file for "sven"? If this only happens on
> > one machine (that is always used by "sven"), you need to apply the
> > plain text password registry update on that machine.
> >
>I meant to say "isn't" not "is" an entry in /etc/passwd
>If sven is in the password file you will try to authenticate in
>user mode security for sven. All other users will be mapped to
>the guest account because of your "map to guest = Bad User" entry.
>If the client machines don't have the registry fix, no password
>will work for any name in /etc/passwd.

It works now since i removed the user sven, which was only for testing 

Another Question which i have in mind all the time while setting up the 
Samba Server:
since i work with NT WS too i think it's more convenient to be asked for  a 
username AND Password combination everytime it try to mount a Samba Share - 
is that possible for a Win 98 client? The only thing i saw sometimes when 
connecting to a smb Share was a question for a password.

Henning Sprang
KMF Werbung GmbH
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D-22767 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-40-39105-0
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