Too many open files when using clearcase

Backus, Ozzie OBackus at
Tue Jan 11 18:40:50 GMT 2000

  I'm using samba 2.0.6 for clearcase interoperation between Unix and NT,
and while it works
great 99% of the time, I run into a problem whenever I do a complete build
on an NT system, 
which involves compiling ~1500 files. The first 1100 or so are compiled
correctly, but then the following 
errors show up on the NT box:

  The system cannot open the
  device or file specified.

And the following errors show up in the samba log file:

[2000/01/10 17:42:48, 0] lib/doscalls.c:dos_GetWd(461)
  dos_GetWd: dos_getwd call failed, errno Too many open files
........................repeated hundreds of times

[2000/01/10 17:42:48, 0] smbd/files.c:file_new(85)
  ERROR! Out of file structures
.........................repeated 4 or 5 times .............................

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this? I've tried
changing some of the MVFS 
parameters on the NT side, but that only made it worse.

Thanks in advance for any help on this issue!


P.S.      My smb.conf file looks like this:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from ehecatl (
# Date: 1999/12/30 14:20:19

# Global parameters
	workgroup = <OURDOMAIN>
	netbios name = <MACHINENAME>
	security = SERVER
	encrypt passwords = Yes
	password server = <SERVERNAME>
	log file = /usr/local/samba/log.%m
	deadtime = 10
            os level = 0
      socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY
	wins server = <SERVERNAME>
	invalid users = @root, @wheel, @bin, @sys, @admin
	dont descend = /proc,/dev,/usr/vice,/afs
	dos filetimes = Yes
	dos filetime resolution = Yes
	fake directory create times = Yes

	comment = Home Directories
	path = /home/%u
	read only = No
	create mask = 0750
	browseable = No

	path = /export/local
	read only = No

	path = /vobstore
	read only = No
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