BUG Report Samba 2.0.6 in combination with Terminal Server

Alex.Ongena Alex.Ongena at able.be
Fri Jan 7 13:52:56 GMT 2000

Dear Samba developers,

We have an unexpected problem with Samba in Combination with M$ Terminal
- Terminal Server with Office Applications (MS-Word, ...) used by multiple
  concurrent users (30)
- Linux box with Samba 2.0.6 as print / fax server

- To send FAXes from Office applications

How we did it:

in smb.conf:

   comment = FAX Service
   print ok = yes
   path = /ub/pkg/fax/spool/spool
   public = yes
   writable = no
   printer driver = HP LaserJet 4/4M PS

   print command = /bin/sh /ub/pkg/fax/spool/able/Wrap S %s %p %j %U
   lpq command = /bin/sh /ub/pkg/fax/spool/able/Wrap L %s %p %j %U
   lprm command = /bin/sh /ub/pkg/fax/spool/able/Wrap R %s %p %j %U

so we call 'Wrap' with several parameters, %s to have the print file,
%U to get the 'User Login Name' of who that faxes.

What do we see:
that the %U is not always correct, only in 80% of the cases. This means that
user X is sending the FAX (printing via Samba) and that the %U is expanded
to user Y

This is Wrap:

# set environment
. /ub/scripts/env

export PATH

# set default directory
cd $BD/pkg/fax/spool

echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 >> "/tmp/Wrap.out"

# call the real program
case $1 in
        able/SendFAX.pl $2 $5
        able/RemoveFAX.pl $4

and this is the Wrap.out log (interesting)
as you can see, there is the file (ex ROCHER.a11440) and the user 'rocher'
that is a correct line. a bit below you have file 'ROCHER.a11440' again
with user 'engelen'. This is wrong ! it should be user 'rocher'.

What is noticed that the %U is expanded to the Username who just
queried BEFORE ! (L at the beginning of the line)

So I realy think this is a bug that only is seen in TS environments, since
with PC, the 'L' users is always the same as the 'S' user and this bug is
not noticed.

Please help

L %s fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j rocher
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j rocher
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j rocher
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j rocher
L %s fax %j verbiesa
L %s fax %j heivers
S HEIVERS.a11440 fax %j heivers
L %s fax %j bogaert
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j engelen
L %s fax %j engelen
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j engelen
L %s fax %j engelen
L %s fax %j kris
S KRIS.a11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j kris
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j kris
S BOGAERT.b11440 fax %j kris
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j geluyken
S GELUYKEN.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S GELUYKEN.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S GELUYKEN.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S GELUYKEN.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.b11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S ROCHER.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j geluyken
S BOGAERT.a11440 fax %j geluyken
L %s fax %j wilri
L %s fax %j wilri
L %s fax %j wilri
L %s fax %j wilri
L %s fax %j felix
L %s fax %j felix
L %s fax %j crauwels
L %s fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j trouwen
S FELIX.a13304 fax %j trouwen
L %s fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
S CRAUWELS.a13304 fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
S CRAUWELS.a13304 fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j bogaert
L %s fax %j augustey
L %s fax %j kris
S KRIS.a13304 fax %j kris

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