2 questions

Andrew Bell samba at usd299.k12.ks.us
Tue Jan 4 03:35:56 GMT 2000

Well, after one day of using samba at our school, we haven't had any problems!!!  So far I am very please with the way it works..... it Microsoft I'm not please about -- but who is?

I do have a few questions though:

1)  When I create a new profile for the first time windows 98 just creates the desktop and background settings.  So I had to go into the users control panel and select Favorites and My Documents on every single user.  I was wondering if anyone new a way to make that the default so I wouldn't have to log a user in.  Hopefully this would allow them to be the first to log in on their account is what I'm wanting.

2)  Is it possible for windows to automatically update the profiles list out of the netlogon directory everytime a user logs in by using the regedit command?  I have tried using regedit profilelist.reg but I just get a window saying "are you sure" and then "updated successfully" and I was wondering if anyone new a better way to do it would I wouldn't always get that screen -- or have to update the profiles list on every single machine manually.  Here is a portion of my profilelist.reg






3)  I take it that no one has gotten group policies to work with windows 98.  If you have, PLEASE contact me.

Thanks a lot for all your help.

Andrew Bell
Systems Administrator
USD 299
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