Multiple smbd processes generated

David Collier-Brown davecb at
Tue Feb 29 15:20:46 GMT 2000

Andrew Boswell asked about multiple processes, e.g.:
| xy004 8463  0.0  0.0 6.02M   0K ??       IW   11:48:59     0:02.02 |
| xy004 9426  0.0  0.0 5.99M   0K ??       IW   11:52:18     0:03.68 |

	A quick avoidance: try setting 
	keepalive = 30
	in the globals section of your smb.conf.

	This will trigger a check for a live connection
	after every 30 seconds of inactivity.
	(For systems which aren't suffering from the
	problem you have, something like every 10 minutes
	is perfectly sufficient).

	Can you get logs at log level = 3 for one of the
	failures? That could help us track it down.
	If only machine xyz fails, you can just log
	for it: create an xyz.conf file containing
log level = 3
log file  = %m.log

	and add include = /some/path/to/%m.conf
	to the globals section. This will log just 
	xyz at a high level to xzy.log
	(see also

David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   | //
Work: (905) 415-2849 Home: (416) 223-8968 Email: davecb at

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