Login annoyance

John Hester jhester at momtex.com
Mon Feb 28 21:29:19 GMT 2000

>Although my users and I can
>log in successfully, the window still has this annoying message (see
>Incorrect password or unknown username for:

You have 2 options for eliminating that prompt.  You can either add an
entry in /etc/passwd and smbpasswd for each NT workstation user name and
use the same password as the workstation login password in smbpasswd, or
you can use a username map file.  If you use a different naming scheme
for your workstation logins than your unix user logins you'll probably
want to do the latter to avoid having to keep 2 entries in /etc/passwd
for each user.  The username map file would look something like:

root = administrator
unix_user1 = nt_user1
unix_user2 = nt_user2

The smbpasswd file needs to contain the unix user names and the
passwords entered on the NT clients.  The username map option needs to
be specified under the [global] section in smb.conf:

     username map = /usr/samba/private/unamemap

John Hester
Momentum Group

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