pppd/smbclient question

Jeremy Price jepri at mazuma.net.au
Mon Feb 21 23:35:29 GMT 2000

> > when I invoke ip-down by hand, it works fine.
> >
> > when I kill the power to the modem, I get no message.  I logged the
> > output of the command, and it runs fine, no errors.  I read in the pppd
> > manpage that it redirects all scripts to  /dev/null/.  Is this the
> > problem, or is it a shell thing?
> One possibility for it not working when the script is run
> automatically is smbclient not being in the PATH when run by pppd or
> someother similar difference in environment.

Already checked.  Runs fine both ways.

> To find out for sure though you could capture the output by changing
> your line to:
> (echo "The link is down" | smbclient -M mymachine) > /tmp/log 2>&1
> which will capture both stdout and stderr to /tmp/log so you can see
> it.

Also done (this is how I know smbclient runs).  It prints a 'successful'
message on stdout and nothing on stderr.
This is why I'm writing to the group.  The script works fine when invoked from
the command line.  But when invoked by pppd, it appears to run fine, producing
normal output, etc, but not the result I want - which is a message sent across
the network.  The copy commands I was using to manipulate the webpage work
from the script fine when run by pppd.

Does samba/windows cache files?  Because I copied over a file on my Linux box
and then opened it in notepad remotely, and it still showed the old contents.

I suspect I should upgrade, my version of Debian is about a year old now.

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