IRIX 6.5 with samba-2.0.6 and gcc.

Wolfgang Glas Wolfgang.Glas at
Mon Feb 21 10:38:48 GMT 2000

I just report a problem that seems to be know since quite a long tiem, but is
neither reflected in the FAQ nor in the README's of the samba distribution.

The problem is that using gcc under IRIX to compile samba gives a mismatch in
calling semctl, because the structure passing conventions of gcc are not same as
the IRIX cc conventions.
(As far as I know semctl is the only function taht is used by samba, which takes
a structure as and argument and not a *pointer* to a structure!)

This results in a log file like:

  smbd version 2.0.6 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998
[2000/02/16 10:39:44, 1] smbd/files.c:file_init(216)
  file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 2490 are available.
[2000/02/16 10:39:44, 0] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(593)
  ERROR semctl: can't IPC_STAT. Error was Bad address
[2000/02/16 10:39:44, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174)
  ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes

And my client says:
/home/wglas > smbclient -L fhysmsg01
Session request failed (0,0) with myname=FHYSMAL01 destname=FHYSMSG01
Unspecified error 0x0
Your server software is being unfriendly

I did a long search in the mailing list archives, where the problem was
described. (Took me 1 hour) Also the fixes are described there:

  1) Use cc to compile samba.


  2) Force samba to use 'mmap' during configure, if it is compiled with gcc.

I'd very much appreciate to have either a clear statement in the README's and
the FAQ or to patch the configure procedure in order to treat gcc under IRIX in
the right way. Either print a clear error message describing the problem or
disable the sysv_shmem support, when gcc is used for compiling samba and use
mmap instead.

  Thanks very much for taking up my suggestion, samba is a great tool!

Mag. Wolfgang Glas
Institut fuer hydraulische Stroemungsmaschinen
Kopernikusgasse 24                              Phone:++43/316/873/7578
A-8010 Graz                                     Fax:  ++43/316/873/7577

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