Netscape Profiles

naughton at naughton at
Fri Feb 18 18:46:08 GMT 2000

There was a posting on Netscape Profiles mapped to network drives that I was
hoping someone could help me with.  Other than setting the key for password
encryption, I've never messed with the NT registry keys.

I see this folder:
\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Users =

But making this part, I could use some help:
                           CurrentUser = Default
                               DirRoot = h:\.netscape
                               UserName =
                               EmailAddr =

I did the following under the \Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape
Navigator\Users folder :
     Edit, Add Value, Value Name: CurrentUser, Data Type: REG_SZ, String:
     Edit, Add Key, Key Name: Default, Class: (left blank)
Under the new Default Key (folder)
     Edit, Add Value, Value Name: DirRoot, Data Type: REG_SZ, String:
     Edit, Add Value, Value Name: UserName, Data Type: REG_SZ, String: (left
     Edit, Add Value, Value Name: EmailAddr, Data Type: REG_SZ, String: (left

When I started up netscape, it didn't change.  Is this something simple like I
need to reboot the PC, or did I screw up the HKEYs.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

Dan Naughton

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