Win2K and Samba

Stefan Knoche skn at Psk.DE
Fri Feb 18 06:41:16 GMT 2000

Peter Samuelson <peter at>:
>To make this solution complete, though, it would have to be symmetric,
>i.e. /bin/passwd or /usr/sbin/rpc.yppasswdd would have to include a
>similar hook, so that when a luser changes his password from Unix it
>propagages to the smbpasswd file as well.  I don't know if *this* has
>been done or not, although one can imagine that the replacements would
>not be hard to write.  Note also that you need to avoid hook loops....

Or you could simply write some wrapper for /bin/passwd that reads
your old and new passwords and then calls passwd and smbpasswd in turn.
You call it /usr/local/bin/passwd (provided that that's in the path
before wherever passwd is located) and that's it. No loops, but no
fiddling with code either (ack. as: The Unix Way :-)

Cheerio, Stefan

(Sorry for posting this so late but I don't find the time to read
the list regularly)
STEFAN KNOCHE__________________________________                  ___PSK___ 
PSK                           Onkel-Tom-Str. 55   - Beratung    ===========
skn at                    D-14169 Berlin 37   - Planung     # # # # # #
..!eunetde!psk!skn            +49-30-814 999 60   - Betreuung   B E R L I N
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