Embedding samba...

Greg Ungerer gerg at moreton.com.au
Thu Feb 17 23:55:59 GMT 2000

"Peter J. Holzer" <hjp at wsr.ac.at> writes:
> On 2000-02-16 12:01:57 +1100, Greg Ungerer wrote:
> > So, I setup smbd to run from inetd.conf, so that a new process is
> > exec()ed for each connection. This works, no real fundamental problem.
> > I can access directories and files from win9X systems on the network.
> > 
> > The downside of this approach is that it is really slow, since it
> > needs to spawn an ~800k smbd for each connection.
> Smbd connections are usually quite long-lived, so this shouldn't make
> much of a difference, IMHO.

Hmmm, OK. Maybe I have a problem here. Mine appear to service one
"transaction" then die. Is this not the normal behavior?

For example if I am browsing from a win95 machine then a new smbd
is launched for each click through of folder or file. Then this
smbd process will exit after its window is displayed... This means
that each click through is quite slow, since it takes a couple of
seconds for me to launch and 800k smbd over NFS on the embedded


Greg Ungerer                                  EMAIL: gerg at moreton.com.au
Moreton Bay                                   PHONE:     +61 7 3279 1822
Unit 12, 97 Jijaws St,                        FAX:       +61 7 3279 1820
Sumner Park, QLD, 4074, Australia             WEB:    www.moretonbay.com

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