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Peter J. Holzer hjp at wsr.ac.at
Wed Feb 16 15:51:30 GMT 2000

On 2000-02-16 12:01:57 +1100, Greg Ungerer wrote:
> So, I setup smbd to run from inetd.conf, so that a new process is
> exec()ed for each connection. This works, no real fundamental problem.
> I can access directories and files from win9X systems on the network.
> The downside of this approach is that it is really slow, since it
> needs to spawn an ~800k smbd for each connection.

Smbd connections are usually quite long-lived, so this shouldn't make
much of a difference, IMHO.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer             | Nobody should ever have to be
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR / Obmann LUGA  | ashamed if they have a secret love
| |   | hjp at wsr.ac.at               | for writing computer programs that
__/   | http://wsrx.wsr.ac.at/~hjp/ | actually work.  -- Donald E. Knuth
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