Embedding samba...

Greg Ungerer gerg at moreton.com.au
Wed Feb 16 00:56:42 GMT 2000

Hi All,

I am working on a port of Samba to the uClinux/ColdFire system.
This is a port of Linux running on the Motorola ColdFire processors.
These processors have no MMU, so no virtual memory. It also means
that there is no true fork() call, only a vfork() type primitive
is supported. Other than this the fact that there is no MMU is
pretty transparent applications, it looks like any other Linux
system :-)

The actual hardware this is running on is a ColdFire 5307 @ 90MHz,
16MB SDRAM, 1MB FLASH, option for an IDE hard drive or CD-ROM.
These thinsg are designed for embedded network type devices.
More info about uClinux/ColdFire at:


I have a basic port of 2.0.5a up and running, but there is some issues
that I thought others might have some thoughts on...

nmbd runs fine. The ColdFire system is browsable from other Win9X
boxes on the network. So this is all good.

The problem really lies with smbd, and the way that it normally likes
to spawn children to service each network connection. Obviously this
cannot work without a true fork call. So, I setup smbd to run from
inetd.conf, so that a new process is exec()ed for each connection.
This works, no real fundamental problem. I can access directories and
files from win9X systems on the network.

The downside of this approach is that it is really slow, since it
needs to spawn an ~800k smbd for each connection. It is also very
heavy on memory resources on this type of embedded platform. This
problem is worse with no MMU, where we cannot share code pages...

So, to the questions. Is there any way use/setup a single smbd process
that can sequentially handle multiple requests?

Ideally smbd could be spawned once on system startup and then handle
each request as it comes, not exiting after each is completed.
Raw transaction performance is not absolutely critical here, and
really these types of devices don't have the memory resource to have
multiple smbd's running...


Greg Ungerer                                  EMAIL: gerg at moreton.com.au
Moreton Bay                                   PHONE:     +61 7 3279 1822
Unit 12, 97 Jijaws St,                        FAX:       +61 7 3279 1820
Sumner Park, QLD, 4074, Australia             WEB:    www.moretonbay.com

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