WIN2K authenticates against 2.0.6!!!

William Jojo jojowil at
Tue Feb 15 17:04:05 GMT 2000

Since I didn't receive any replies to my questions or observations, we were
forced to try new things...

We upgraded NT4SP5 (which does everything we want it to do) to Windows 2000 Pro
and magically it now authenticates against Samba 2.0.6 on AIX 4.3.2.

We have some problems however...the logon script does not run and the
"LogonServer" environment variable is no longer set to the authenticating agent,
it's the PC's name. We do get our H: drive however.

We also seem to have trouble with samba processes closing properly. After loggin
out and rebooting the WS, there is still a lock on the file prf12f.tmp in the
profile directory of the user. The process has to be killed and then you can
login as that user again on the WS.

It should be noted that W2K will not do anything with Samba unless you perform
the upgrade. I've been completely unsuccessful with the HEAD and TNG CVS
branches (as I indicated in previous emails).

I would love some insight into why W2K sucks so much with respect to Samba from
Jeremy, Andrew, Luke or anyone who cares to enlighten me...I know the answer is
out there.



        |                                                      |
        |                 William E. Jojo, Jr.                 |
        |                                                      |
        |         Senior Systems and Network Specialist        |
        |                                                      |
        |            Hudson Valley Community College           |
        |                                                      |
        |                    (518) 629 7540                    |
        |                                                      |
        |                   jojowil at                   |
        |                                                      |

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