Difficult reading

Ryan Claycamp claycamp at guernseyaviation.com
Tue Feb 15 15:02:57 GMT 2000

LeColombier wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been a Samba digest reader for some time now.
> It is interesting and valuable information, but not easy to follow the
> conversations from one issue to another.
> Is there à "digest reader" out there somewhere that makes things easier
> .
> Thanks a lot

I have this formula in my procmailrc: 

* ^Subject:.*SAMBA digest
        | formail +1 -ds >> $DEFAULT

* ^Subject:.*SAMBA digest

It breaks the digest into the individual messages and also keeps a copy
of the digest for my records.  I read the individual messages and save
the digest in a special folder, which has helped me when a problem

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