nmbd over ppp

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at execpc.com
Sat Feb 12 22:56:02 GMT 2000

At 05:50 AM 2/13/00 +1100, root wrote:
>hello everyone.
>            I don't have a network, but I'm trying to get my friend to
>dialin and use my shares that I have provided via smb. Now I have a big
>prob with nmbd and ppp. Under Interfaces I can specify ppp*
>, which is the ip that the dialin user is assigned and yet still nmbd
>shuts down showing an error that no interfaces were found.
>Any one knowing how to fix my problem or if it is a prob and samba
>doesn't support it please help
Try it without the interfaces directive.  I know Samba will work over PPP.
I have done it here at home.  The main difference is that I also have an
ethernet connection on the same server, and the PPP interface uses an
address in the same subnet as the ethernet network.  A route is just added
to the specific IP when the PPP link goes up.


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