pre2.0.7 disk quota bug
David Collier-Brown
davecb at
Wed Feb 2 13:45:37 GMT 2000
smakarov at wrote:
> If user tries to write the file
> to SAMBA share and disk quota is exceeded, SAMBA fills remaining space
> within the target file with spaces, and writes it to the share. This
> is "xcopy" behavior. If the program writes small chunks of file, the
> result may differ. The user is under impression the file was written
> successfully. While the file is heavily corrupted!
Jeremy Allison replied:
| It isn't Samba that is doing this, it is the client.
[...] Samba *is* returning the over quota error to the client.
| What do you execpt us to do here?
Is the error returned the same one as the user would get
if the initial size-testing write would return (the
code implies this, but it occurs at quite a diffferent
Similarly, is this the same as they would get if they
overflowed their local disk in the same way? (I assume yes)
Finally, are the contents of the file the same as they'd
get if they overflowed their local disk in the same way?
Mr Makarov, I don't understand the "fills remaining space
within the target file with spaces" comment.... Surely
it's filling it with nulls???
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave., | and astonish the rest. -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario | //
Work: (905) 415-2849 Home: (416) 223-8968 Email: davecb at
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