Working Passwd Chat for Unix Password Sync on Redhat 6.1

Steve Litt slitt at
Tue Feb 1 15:12:56 GMT 2000


When you say you got the PDC working on Samba 2.0.5a, do you mean that
you're authenticating NT clients and handling their logon scripts and


Steve Litt

At 01:54 AM 02/02/2000 +1100, naughton at wrote:
>I have been trying to get the password sync working for Redhat 6.1 (samba
>rpm).  I got
>the PDC working this morning, so I'm happy.  The FAQ section on the samba
>was very
>helpful.   The password sync was the only sticking point.
>The default passwd chat script didn't work well
> passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n
>I tried this one - but again no luck
> passwd chat = *(current)*UNIX*password:* %n\n *New*UNIX*password:* %n\n
> *Retype*new*UNIX*password:* %n\n
>I've seen some discussions about this not working on 2.2, is this the
case? The
>O'Reilly book had
>version that was supposed to work, but it didn't.  Unfortunately, I don't
>that one handy.
>I did end up with shadow passwords after this.  How that happened - I don't
>Do you need shadow passwords for passwd sync to work?
>If anyone has a working passwd chat setting for 6.1, please let me know.
>Dan Naughton

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