HP/UX, second attempt

Robert Dahlem Robert.Dahlem at gmx.net
Sun Dec 3 10:57:08 GMT 2000


On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 01:41:16 -0600, Sean Kelly wrote:

>The last time I mailed this list, I guess I wasn't clear enough on 
>what I was trying to do.  I have a Trusted HP/UX 10.20 system.  This 
>means I get to use that fun bigcrypt() function.  Now, what I want to 
>do is setup Samba to use encrypted passwords.  

I'm not sure but you might be mixing up things. Samba encrypts 
passwords using a hash provided by a fixed algorithm. bigcrypt() seems 
to be something totally different to me.

>Is there any way I can convert every user's current passowrd into the 
>format needed for the smbpasswd file?  

Indirectly. Use mksmbpasswd.sh to create an smbpasswd file from 
/etc/passwd. This will end up with all password hashes set to all X's. 
Now configure "update encrypted = yes" for a while. Samba with still 
run with unencrytped passwords but everytime a user mounts a share, 
Samba will build the hashed password and store in in smbpasswd. As 
soon as all relevant users have hashed passwords in smbpasswd, you can 
switch to "updated encrypted = no" and "encrypt passwords = yes".

Make sure all registry hacks concerning encrypted passwards have been 
undone at the clients afterwards.


Robert.Dahlem at gmx.net           Fax +49-69-432647

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