access under unix

Keith G. Murphy keithmur at
Tue Apr 25 14:49:07 GMT 2000

Etzel Rudolf wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not a very experienced Samba user.  Now I have the following problem:
> I have implemented a document management system (with version control tool
> ClearCase)  running under Unix.
> All the  NT-users are also available under unix with the same name. The
> directories containing the documents are exported via Samba.
> For accessing the documents from a WEB-browser running on NT and for
> providing the correct (Unix) access rights, a WEB-application uses links of
> the following form:
>         file://nmdoc/webdoc/<path>/xxxx.doc
>         nmdoc: the samba server
>         webdoc: the exported share
> The only thing I've forgotten is, that there are also users running their
> WEB-browsers under Unix (Linux, HP-UX, SUN-OS). My question therefore, is it
> possible to provide them the same links as under NT ? Do Samba provide only
> the possibility to export to NT or also to Unix ?
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than myself will comment, but I
believe what you want is Sharity on the commercial "Uniques" and smbfs
on Linux.  I don't believe smbclient will get you there.

I.e., you need something to make the Samba-exported shares look like
part of the native file system.

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