printing to windows

Steve Salazar esalazar at
Fri Apr 21 21:40:06 GMT 2000

When I tried printing to the windows printer using both the local dos
command line and smbclient directly I still got postscript code.  However,
I was able to print the postscript correctly on the windows computer using
GSview, not really what I want.

What's the next step? I sort of already knew that wasn't going to work
though.  I think what needs to happen is a default filter for that printer
that catches and handles the ps either on the windows or linux end. ????

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Peter Samuelson wrote:

> [Steve Salazar]
> > I've suceeded in getting my windows and linux computers to share
> > printers correctly except in one case.  When I send postscript jobs
> > to the printer attached to the windows computer, I get the actual
> > postscript code.  How can I make this go away.  This is especially
> > what happens when I print from my Linux Netscape to the windows
> > computer.  The printer I am trying to print to is a Cannon BJC4300
> > which is listed as a good postscript printer.
> Debug a little.  Try printing a PostScript file directly from a DOS
> window on your 'doze box.
>   C:\>copy lpt1:
> Also, if you're going through a Unix print spooling subsystem, try
> instead using smbclient directly:
>   $ smbclient //doze/canon -W wkgrp -U user%passwd -P -c 'print'
> That should give you a better idea which component of your spooling
> system is at fault.
> Peter

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