network connection crashes

Carsten Nordstrøm Jensen north at
Thu Apr 13 08:06:41 GMT 2000

> | Till now
> | the only thing that DOES change the crashing behaviour
> | is to set the debug level to 5 or above -- obviously not
> | a proper solution.
>         Cool: it's a timing issue, I'll bet!
>         Running high logging levels slows Samba a lot,
>         so let's try an experiment with one of the
>         new timing options (suggested by yet another
>         commentator on the list, Mark Ruedy)
>                 oplock break wait time  = 100
>         This was discussed by Jeremy quite some time ago:
> |  Someone just reported on the mailing list that upping
> | "oplock break wait time" parameter from the default of 10 ms
> | to 100ms fixed oplock break problems with Windows 98.

Nope, didn't help. Should I try even larger values than 100 -- or have
anybody got other suggestions.

- Carsten

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