Connection hangs...

Ken Sasaki ksasaki at
Thu Apr 6 22:45:47 GMT 2000

I too have experienced this problem with the clients, primarily Win98, here
on our network. However, we are using Slackware v7.0 ( Samba 2.0.5a)
on a PII 350 with 192 meg of ram. At first I thought that it might have 
to do with the oplock feature, so I disabled it in smb.conf, and for a 
while, it
appeared as though I was right. But it has re-surfaced, and I am getting quite
a lot of complaints from employees who rely heavily on that particular server.
There is one thing that the complaints all have in common and that is
Microsoft Office. "I was working on a Word doc, stopped to take a call and
when I went back to my work, the server won't let me save." Any success
in solving this issue?

Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits
              Ken Sasaki
  mailto:ksasaki at

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