Interoperability of Samba and CAP

Andrew Boswell A.Boswell at
Thu Apr 6 11:09:59 GMT 2000

We have tried to create a shared data area to be used both by Samba 
mounting PC's and macintoshes via Columbia Appletalk protocol.  We find 
that a Word file written onto the Unix Samba server from a PC is not 
readable by a Mac using CAP on the same server.  We think this may be 
because in our setup the file is written Unix as type "data" as given 
by the Unix "file" command eg:

	--> file Statistics.doc
	Statistics.doc:     data

We believe that CAP requires the file as an executable format to open 
up mac Word.  

Has anyone else experienced this, or understand if this is the correct 
diagnosis, and also if Samba can be coerced to write the file out in a 
mac readable form.



Dr Andrew Boswell		email : A.Boswell at	
School Liaison Consultant       phone : +44-1603-593856
IT and Computing Services 	fax   : +44-1603-593467
University of East Anglia	
Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

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