Browsing under NT == RPC protocol error

Andrew Langton andrewl at
Sun Apr 2 23:16:27 GMT 2000

> >> >My NT clients (thankfully, not too many of them here) appear to be
> >> >getting an "RPC protocol error" when browsing the shares 
> on my Samba
> >> >2.0.5a server.  They can, however, connect to a share by directly
> >> >specifying its path.
> >> 
> >> How many shares do have?
> >
> >User home, net logon (for NT domain authentication), several 
> printers,
> >and four public shares.
> We've run into the same problem after adding a new printer!
> When we got back to 6 shares + home + 1 printer + net logon
> everything was back to normal!
> I've read it somewhere on deja...

We have also had the same problem - very strange.  Our situation was sharing
CDs in a CD tower - I changed four of the CDs, deleted the old shares and
created new ones for the four new CDs, and everything stopped.  RPC errors
when browsing from NT only.   Direct maps were OK, as was any form of access
from Win98.  Since I'm the only one with win98 (on a notebook), and everyone
else has NT, this was a major problem :)

We got around it in the end by removing one of the new CD shares, which made
it work.  When we added the share back in, it stopped again.  So we added
another disk share, and it worked again.  Bizarre.  I have to say this
sounds like a Samba bug...

Andrew Langton

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