R: Re: 2nd trial: Browsing problems with Samba 2.0.5 on HP-UX and WNT

Borrione Aldo a.borrione at crf.it
Tue Nov 9 17:34:34 GMT 1999


the only [homes] section is in the global smb.conf. 

What you see in the smb.conf.%U is the definition of a share
that is mapped to a unix physical account whose name is the
name of one of our projects. That is, we have some unix
accounts dedicated to projects and they do not correspond
to any developer in our group. Rather, each project
account is shared - vmbd in the example - and there is
an entry for that share for each of the users allowed to
connect in the respective smb.conf.%U files. 
We do this way so that each user sees, when browsing, 
only dept-wide sevices and the set of project shares he/she 
is working currently on. 



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