Win95 Clients & Samba 2.0.3

Stephen L Arnold sarnold at
Mon Mar 15 20:57:02 GMT 1999

On 16 Mar 99, markh at had questions about Win95 Clients & 
Samba 2.0.3:  

> The problem is that I cannot seem to find any way to have the Win95 users
> map to the drives now.  We're talking about a fairly late release Win95
> here (4.00.950 B), and nothing seems to work. The error I get is "The
> password is incorrect. Try again."
> Is there a way out of this?  Why can't my Win95 users map their drives?

You now have the opposite problem that you had before (which 
required the plaintext password hack on the newer clients).  Now 
your OSR2 clients are only sending plaintext (they probably don't 
have the system updates).  I think it's one of the vredr updates, 
but there're a bunch of other ones that update other networking 
components.  Go to:

and read the scoop.  You can download everything you need from 


Steve Arnold                            sarnold at

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation

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