nmbd errors on console

Mark E Drummond drummond-m at rmc.ca
Wed Jun 2 14:45:26 GMT 1999

I get the following errors on the console of my newly installed 2.0.4b
server on a Sun E4000:

nmbd/nmbd_packets.c: (1412)
find_subnet_for_nmb_packet: response record not found for response id

nmbd/nmbd_responserecordsdb.c: (240)
find_response_record: response packet id <num> received with no matching

I don't know the internals well enough to decipher these, can someone
help me out? Should I go to the devel team with this?

Mark E Drummond                    Royal Military College of Canada
drummond-m at rmc.ca                                Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles                                        perl || die

       ...there are two types of command interfaces in the world of
                    computing: good interfaces and user interfaces.
                                   - Dan Bernstein, Author of qmail

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