Linux 2.2.0 and Samba client not happening for me

Dick Balaska dick at
Wed Jan 27 11:53:50 GMT 1999

Dudes and/or Dudettes:

HEEELLLPPP! (such a newbie statement)

I can't get my remote SMB mounts to work on my Linux box.

duke was happily running Slackware Linux 2.0.36 and Samba 1.9.18p8 .
I upgraded to Linux 2.2.0pre9 (2.2.0final), which seemed to require
upgrading to Samba 2.0.0 .  (I don't remember the exact errors)

Now i can't get my NT and '95 disks to stay mounted on Linux.
duke can export his Linux disks and play fine from NT.
duke can still mount my other Linux nfs disks.

The disks all mount ok and then eventually timeout and die after 20
minutes.  The Win95 disks seem to survive longer than the NT disks
(1 hour vs. 15 minutes).  

It feels like a Samba problem.

The kernel is configured without the Win95 fixes.  The Win95 fixes
are applied at run time to only the Win95 boxen. (see ps below)
     Jan 26 22:57:45 duke kernel: SMBFS: Win 95 bug fixes enabled 
     Jan 26 22:57:45 duke kernel: SMBFS: Using core getattr (Win 95 speedup) 

When the mount dies, i get this on the console:
     Jan 27 00:10:22 duke kernel: smb_request: result -32, setting invalid 
     Jan 27 00:10:22 duke kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3 

When the mount dies, i can't unmount it and must reboot.
            duke:/# smbumount /smb/rex/c
            Could not open /smb/rex/c: I/O error

One thing that is different/seems odd, is that the smbmount stays
running after the disk is mounted.  I don't recall this behavior
in 2.0.36/1.9.18p8.

I tried backing down to 2.0.36 with Samba 2.0.0 because my backup 
scheme revolves around duke sucking files off of the Winboxen.  The 
disks do not mount at all. smbmount reports "invalid option".  I 
believe this to be a non-documented "-s" passed from mount to smbmnt.

(more newbie declaratives)
Please please please help.  I am loving the Linux but my 10base100
wire grows cold from no bitzen traffiken.

======================== Kernel options ==========================
# Network File Systems
# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set
# CONFIG_NFSD_SUN is not set
# CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 is not set
# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set

======================== ps auxww after startup ==================
root       239  0.0  0.4  1224   628  ?  S    22:57   0:00 /usr/local/samba/bin/smbmount //rex/c XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -n net_guest -U net_guest -N -c mount /smb/rex/c 
root       255  0.0  0.4  1224   628  ?  S    22:57   0:00 /usr/local/samba/bin/smbmount //kate/c XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -n net_guest -U net_guest -N -c mount /smb/kate/c -f3777 

========================= version info ===========================
Linux duke 2.2.0-final #3 SMP Fri Jan 22 22:52:20 EST 1999 i686 unknown
- Kernel modules         2.1.121                 ; insmod -V
  2.1.85 - I don't use any modules anyway
- Gnu C                         ; gcc --version
  egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
- Binutils                   ; ld -v
  GNU ld version 2.8.2 (with BFD
- Linux libc5 C Library  5.4.46                  ; ls -l /lib/*
- Linux libc6 C Library  2.0.7pre6               ; ls -l /lib/*
- Dynamic Linker ( 1.9.9                   ; ldd --version or ldd -v
- Linux C++ Library                 ; ls -l /usr/lib/*
- Procps                 1.2.9                   ; ps --version
  1.2.7 (1.2.9 built still reports 1.2.7 ??)
- Procinfo               15                      ; procinfo -v
- Psmisc                 17                      ; pstree -V
- Net-tools              1.49                    ; hostname -V
- Loadlin                1.6a
  LILO version 20
- Sh-utils               1.16                    ; basename --v
- Autofs                 3.1.1                   ; automount --version
- NFS                    2.2beta40               ; showmount --version
- Bash                   1.14.7                  ; bash -version
- Ncpfs                  2.2.0                   ; ncpmount -v
- Pcmcia-cs              3.0.7                   ; cardmgr -V
  3.0.0 (n/u :)
- PPP                    2.3.5                   ; pppd -v
  2.2.0 (n/u)
- Util-linux             2.9g                    ; chsh -v
  doesn't respond to -v (nonstd shadow version perhaps?)

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