Message Transfer Failure (U)

Tue Jan 5 01:27:00 GMT 1999

The message you sent at:        04-Jan-1999 20:39:06
with a subject of:              SAMBA digest 1932

failed to transfer to cc:Mail. Failure to transfer to cc:Mail could be caused
by any of the following reasons:

1)  Too many attachments - The maximum number of attachments
that you may send to cc:Mail is 10.  If you are trying to send a message
with more than 10 attachments please break the message into multiple
messages with no more than 10 attachments and resend it.  If you are
trying to forward several messages from your ALL-IN-1 account to your
cc:Mail account please refer to the topic "Moving Messages from ALL-IN-1
to cc:Mail" in the #cc:Mail Questions/Answers bulletin board.

2) Too many addressees - If your message has more than 50 addressees
you need to use a User Defined Distribution List (UDDL).   For instructions
on using a UDDL refer to ShRINE.  From the ShRINE home page select
SRS Computing/Electronic Messaging/Request Creation of New Distribution List.
If you are using Enterprise Distribution Lists (the automatically generated
org code and building number lists) then please limit them to one list per

3) On rare occasions the body of a message may contain certain keywords
at the beginning of a line which the cc:Mail Import program uses. If your
message contains any of the following words at the beginning of a line then
please modify your message so that these words do not begin a line and resend
it.  The keywords are:
.                Message:
.                Subject:
.                Date:
.                Contents:
.                To:
.                From:
.                Include:
If, after investigating your message, it does not appear that any of the
conditions above are true then you may reply to this message for further
assistance.  Please refer to the following tracking number in all


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