
Stephen L Arnold arnold.steve at
Fri Feb 26 17:27:46 GMT 1999

When the world was young, jonc at carved some runes like this:

> I have Samba 2.0.2 running under Solaris 2.6 and I can connect with no
> problems under UNIX with the smbclient.
> This seems OK but none of the PC at our site can see the server either in
> network neighborhood or with the command line net view  or net use XXXXXX
> .  A run of testparm seems to run OK.

Please provide more info.  Have you gone through the test steps in 
Diagnosis.txt?  What kind of name resolution are you using (both 
TCP/IP & NetBIOS)?  Are you running other protocols besides TCP/IP?

Some of these guys are pretty damn good, but I don't think they're 


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