Win95 won't work with Samba 2.0.2

Dave Walton walton at
Fri Feb 26 01:06:43 GMT 1999

Hmmm...  I've sent a couple of questions to the list recently, with 
no responses.  Are my messages getting out?

Since upgrading to 2.0.2, our Win95 boxes are having problems 
accessing shares.  WinNT works perfectly.  Win95 worked fine 
with 1.whatever, but now it can only see files that are actually in 
the share directory.  It can see subdirectories of the share, but 
they appear as empty directories.

Has anyone else seen this?  Is anyone using 2.0.2 successfully 
with Win95?  Should I just bag it and go back to the old version?


Dave Walton                                                           
Webmaster, Postmaster                                           Emusic
walton at                      

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