Can the logon script know username?

Valerio Di Giampietro valerio at
Mon Feb 22 14:46:28 GMT 1999

> Is it possible for the Samba logon script to know the ID of the user who is
> currently logging in?  If so, how is it done?

On the logon script in my samba based network i have the following
lines of code

    net config /yes | gawk "/^Nome utente/ { print $3 }" | get ze > NULL
    set userid=%get%
    echo userid:    %userid%

The windows '95 "net config /yes" command gives you some information
about your network; for example (i am using the italian version of
Windows '95):

    Nome computer                  \\EUCLIDE    # computer name
    Nome utente                    VALERIO      # user name
    Gruppo di lavoro               SANSALVO     # workgroup
    Directory princ. workstation   C:\WINDOWS   # workstation main dir

    Versione del software          4.00.950     # software version
    Versione del redirector        4.00         # redirector version

I parse the output of this command using gawk and put the username in
an environment variable using the very old but useful get utility.

(I haven't URL address for this utilities at hand, but you can search
for them on the web).


Valerio Di Giampietro
LAN & Unix System Administrator

Magneti Marelli - Divisione Macchine Rotanti
Zona Industriale
66050 S. Salvo (CH) - Italy
Phone : +39-873-388-646
Fax   : +39-873-388-602
E-Mail: VDiGiampietro at
Web   :

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