Domain Controller -- Logon Scripts

jeff at jeff at
Thu Feb 18 05:15:50 GMT 1999

No I want user jeff to logon as jeff but, as far as I can tell, the [netlogon]
share must be accessable by nobody.  The problem is when I have the "net
use..." in the logon scripts it tries to logon as nobody to each of those
shares too.


On 18-Feb-99 Joel wrote:
> Ok, so just to clarify, you want the user jeff to connect to the samba
> server as 'nobody' even though you login as jeff? If that's so, I would
> think that you'd need to adjust your share's permissions on the unix
> server to allow 'nobody' to read and optionally write to them.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 1999 at 01:20:24PM +1100, jeff at wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Sorry.  I may have phrased that better.  I DO login on the 95 machine as say
>> the user 'jeff'.  This works and the 95 box promptly connects to the Samba
>> box
>> as guest a.k.a nobody.  The 95 box then downloads/runs the login script on
>> the
>> local (95) machine.  My problem is when the scripts run all the "net use z:
>> \\sureal\scratch" type commands are trying to map drives as 'nobody'.  This
>> is
>> semi-ok for the scratch shares but not for home dirs.  
>> I've tried specifying the user name in the logon scripts but it keeps asking
>> for the password which won't work (ie. it's not looking in the pwl files ). 
>> I could probably make it work by including the passwords in the logon
>> scripts
>> which would be extrememly stupid since the netlogon share is publicly
>> available. 
> -- 
>  Joel Knight                                  jwknight at
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