Low Performance

Peter Dikant pdikant at mgm-edv.de
Tue Feb 9 09:32:12 GMT 1999

We are using SAMBA 2.0.2 on a LINUX-System (Pentium 133, 128 RAM, 22 GB
RAID-1 SCSI U2W Disk Array, SUSE 6.0). We suffer from low performance
when starting Applications from a SAMBA-share. Starting the application
takes about twice as a long compared to a WinNT-Server on similar
Hardware. We tried all the tweaks from Speed-Text without any results.
Is it possible that the reason for the low performance lies in the
Software RAID that we are using?

Also looking through a tcpdump generated during the startup of the
application, there are always these errors:

SMBError = ERROR: Unknown error (5,32768)


SMBError = ERRDOS - ERRbadfile (File not found.)

Are these errors common?

Thanks in advance,
  Peter Dikant

Peter Dikant                        pdikant at mgm-edv.de
MGM EDV-Beratung GmbH               http://www.mgm-edv.de
Frankfurter Ring 105a               Tel:    +49 (89) 35 86 80 19
80807 Muenchen                      Fax:    +49 (89) 35 86 80 88
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