
Martin Wheatley Martin.Wheatley at
Mon Feb 8 13:12:41 GMT 1999

To all those people who replied to my question regarding displaying
messages on PC screens from a UNIX system.

It seems that I can do it on a per-PC basis but there is no
broadcast option to many/all PCs on my network.

To walk the host list is not a practical solution (700+) PCs
so I will have to look further.

Once again,

 | Martin Wheatley       | Voice  : 44-(0)1235-464784                |
 | CODAS Division        | FAX    : 44-(0)1235-464404                |
 | JET Joint Undertaking | E-mail : Martin.Wheatley at           |
 | Abingdon              |-------------------------------------------|
 | Oxfordshire           |                                           |
 | OX14 3EA              |                                           |
 | United Kingdom        |                                           |

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