SAMBA digest 1967

Jim Mulholland jim.mulholland at
Wed Feb 3 17:14:28 GMT 1999

Using the "smbclient -M machine_name" you can send messages to PC's with
a shell for loop. The shell would go something like this:

1)    find your samba log directory ( grep "log file" smb.conf )
2)    use a find command to list all samba log files that are active
within a week (find /var/adm/samba -type f ! -mtime +7 -print )
3)    strip the "samba_log." off of the filename with awk ( awk -F.
'{print $2 "\n"}' )
4)    for each hostname send a messages (cat message.txt | smbclient -M

But before you re-invent the wheel you should check out John D. Blair's
book "Samba Integrating Unix and Windows". The companion CD comes with a
smbwall utility

- Jim

>Date: Tue, 2 Feb 99 16:40:23 GMT
>From: Martin.Wheatley at (Martin Wheatley)
>To: samba at
>Subject: Can anyone suggest a solution?
>Message-ID: <9902021640.AA19340 at>
>Thankyou for taking the time to read this ...
>We have large PC userbase and a not-so-large (but equally loud) Unix
>user base. We have a requirement to "PopUp" information windows on ALL
>our user's screens with an absolute minimum of manual intervention (ie
>type the message once and then forget it).
>We can manage the Unix X servers but can't seem to find a UNIX
>application that will get th message(s) to our PC community.
>Is there anything in Samba that would give us what we need?
>or is there another UNIX application that will do what we want.
>Our UNIX systems and Suns - running Solaris 2.6 & 7. The PCs
>all have the MS messenger client installed.
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Martin Wheatley       | Voice  : 44-(0)1235-464784                |
> | CODAS Division        | FAX    : 44-(0)1235-464404                |
> | JET Joint Undertaking | E-mail : Martin.Wheatley at           |
> | Abingdon              |-------------------------------------------|
> | Oxfordshire           |                                           |
> | OX14 3EA              |                                           |
> | United Kingdom        |                                           |
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+

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