transfering ASCII files?

Stephen L Arnold arnold.steve at
Wed Feb 3 17:18:49 GMT 1999

When the world was young, Jose_Dorado at carved some 
runes like this:  

> Is there a way of automatically get rid of the ^M when transferring ASCII
> files?

Here is a repost from the last time this question was asked:

I don't think samba will ever do it automatically; to be reliable, 
it should be done explicitly by the user.

One option would be not to use notepad ;-}  There are much better 

Get PFE and set unix mode when you save the file (or you could use 
ntemacs or gvim for win32 - all are free).

Most commercial editors should handle multiple EOL conventions as 
well (ie, SlickEdit, Brief, etc).  There's a drag-n-drop win32 
converter mentioned in Hints.txt, but I haven't gotten it to work.  
You can bug him yourself if you like:

Jim Barry  100317.364 at

I just finished my first C class (yahoo!) and I was thinking of 
doing just such a converter; a console version first, then a win32 
GUI version (Jim, if you're still around I wouldn't mind taking a 
look at your source code ;-)

Hope this helps, Steve

PS. I still haven't started any coding (other projects, kids, fun, 
etc); if anyone wants to help, feel free to chime in.

Stephen L Arnold                             sarnold at
Conserving bandwidth (and bellybutton lint)

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