Multiple TCP/IP printers and smb

David Sonenberg dave at
Tue Aug 31 16:39:31 GMT 1999

I am having trouble setting up our two HP TCP/IP printers under samba.
Both of these printers are listed in the /etc/printcap and printing
works fine from linux.  Bellow is a copy of the /etc/smb.conf file:

     ; /etc/smb.conf
     ; Make sure and restart the server after making changes to this
file, ex:
     ; /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop
     ; /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

        printing = bsd
        printcap name = /etc/printcap
        load printers = yes
        guest account = nobody
        smb passwd file = /usr/private/smbpasswd
        log file = /var/log/samba-log.%m
        lock directory = /var/lock/samba
        share modes = yes
        workgroup = WebFacts Inc.

        comment = Home Directories
        browseable = no
        public = yes
        read only = no
;       create mode = 0777
        writable = yes
        preserve case = yes
        short preserve case = yes

        comment = Temporary file space
        path = /tmp
        read only = no
        public = yes

        comment = Developer's shared space
        path = /export/dev/shared
        read only = no
        public = yes
        preserve case = yes
        short preserve case = yes

        comment = All Printers
        browseable = no
        printable = yes
        public = yes
        writable = no
        create mode = 0700

        path = /var/spool/lpd/lp
        printer name = lp
        read only = No
        writable = yes
        public = yes
        printable = yes
        print command = lpr -r -h -P %p %s

        path = /var/spool/lpd/lp0
        printer name = lp0
        read only = No
        writable = yes
        public = yes
        printable = yes
        print command = lpr -r -h -P %p %s

Any help would be appreciated.

David Sonenberg
System Administrator
Webfacts, Inc.

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